Category: Pregnancy
Ryan Oliver
He’s here! Our sweet boy was born on April 17th at 39 weeks exactly. He surprised us all with a very quick labor! The past few weeks have been a blur of appointments and getting used to life with 2 kiddos. I’m still processing so many parts of his arrival and our postpartum experience- more…
Motivation Monday: Words to Live By #9
Nope, it’s not Monday. Best laid plans to have this post ready last week went askew. It’s been quiet on this blog for several months… Sharing this quote today as a reminder to myself… The past couple of months have seemed like a whirlwind! It’s been a season of: Growing Pains: In more than 1…
Happy Halloween 2015
Our little pumpkin is going to be a big sister next April! More to come on this upcoming adventure! Happy Halloween!
World Prematurity Awareness Day
November 17th is World Prematurity Awareness Day. The March of Dimes currently states that 1 out of 9 women will deliver prematurely in the United States. I am now part of that statistic. Today, I’m thinking of all the sweet babies that are literally fighting to breathe and grow as quickly as they can. I’m…
Gender Reveal Party: Decorations
Almost exactly at this time last year, our sweet family was celebrating a healthy report from my Week 19 ultrasound. James and I found out the gender of our growing babe on September 20th and shared the big news with close friends and family the following day at a big gender reveal party. I promised…
Marking 33 Weeks and 4 Days.
I was pregnant for exactly 33 weeks and 4 days. Today, Olivia is 33 weeks and 4 days old. So many mixed emotions running through my mind today… Olivia has been outside as long as she was safely tucked away inside my tummy. It’s crazy how quickly this much time has passed…although I can still…
Inspirational Words for Mamas with Preemies
For the second time in less than 2 months, a status on my Facebook wall has popped up about a friend (or a friend of a friend) delivering early… like really early. 26 or 28 weeks early. When these updates appear, I actually have a physical reaction. A rush comes over me- knowing what we…
Creative Ideas for Documenting Your Pregnancy
Thanks to Pinterest, there are SO many inspiring ways of documenting your pregnancy. James and I decided to set up a chalkboard sign, similar to these pins (HERE & HERE) to watch my belly grow! I just love seeing how others have chosen to capture this special moment of time. I’m especially liking how this…
Our Experience with Hypnobabies
In my baby bump updates {HERE} and Olivia’s birth story {HERE and HERE}, I mentioned that James and I took a childbirth prep class called Hypnobabies. I promised more information about the why/how/what of the course… so, here are my thoughts: What is Hypnobabies? Hypnobabies is a birthing program that teaches women deep relaxation techniques…
Olivia’s Birth Story: Part 2
This post is a follow-up to Olivia’s Birth Story: Part 1. After arriving at the hospital and facing the reality that we were going to meet our baby almost 7 weeks early, here is how our story unfolded: The doctor checked me at 1:30am and reported that I was already at 3cm, -2 station, and…